Which are the 8 Healthy Lunches Under 500 Calories but That Aren't Salads - letsdiskuss
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Which are the 8 Healthy Lunches Under 500 Calories but That Aren't Salads


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Are you looking for a healthy meal but you have only one option salad and green veggies. We get bored with the food very easily, and we want something new and tasty every day. But the people have a myth that tasty food is full of calories and gains weight, but the truth is there are many different meals, excluding salads, that are healthy, tasty, and have fewer calories. This article will discuss the healthy lunch options under 500 calories, and it does not include salad. So, let's get started.

Here are The 8 Lunches under 500 Calories

  • Red Lentil DalRed lentil dal is a classic vegetarian dish. This is one of the best meals for those who want a tasty meal with low calories. It has around 253calories in 200g. Lentil dal has nutritional value, and it is cheap. There are multiple methods of cooking the lentil dal. Red lentil dal is the cheapest and healthiest meal for lunch.


  • Saag Paneer- A north Indian dish with lots of flavors. Usually, paneer dishes are high in calories due to the high content of protein, but the saag paneer mixes green leafy vegetables, which makes it a healthier alternative. It is rich in calcium and highly nutritious. So you can add the saga paneer to your meal.

  • Saffron rice- Saffron rice has been linked to health benefits, such as improved mood and libido. You can eat saffron rice all year round because it's too healthy and cozy. It is a kind of comfort food that you can add to your healthy lunch.

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  • Gujarati kadhi-Gujarati Kadhi is a lovely curry that is light and easy to make. A kadhi is made with yogurt, gram, curry leaves, flour, and ginger. It is the healthiest option because it gives fat-soluble and vitamins riches. You can add it to your list for lunch and dinner both.

  • Rajma-Chawal -Rajma-Chawal is one of the popular cuisines. It has a low glycaemic index which is helpful to boost your energy and keep you fuller longer. The rajma is a storehouse of protein and the ideal replacement for red meat. If you are a vegetarian, rajma-chawal rice is the best option for your healthy meal.

  • Shahi Egg Curry-Egg has a storehouse of proteins. It is a versatile food that can be cooked for any meal. A shahi egg curry made with garlic, yogurt, onions, and several species. An egg curry paired with rice, paratha, and Chapati, depending upon your choice. You can take it from breakfast to dinner.

  • Sambar-Sambar, is a south Indian dish made with mixed vegetables, herbs, and species. You can eat with rice, idle, Vada, and Ven Pongal. In India, each state has a unique style of making sambar. It is one of the healthiest sources, and it is rich in nutrients. You can add it to your lunch and dinner also.

  • Lemon Rice-Lemon rice is a refreshing dish. It is one of the best options for the launch. A bowl of rice made by tempering with curry leaves, species, peanuts, and lentils. A generous amount of lemon juice is used for flavor. One plate of lemon rice has around 175 calories, and it has several vitamins which help your brain functioning and mental health.

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