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Vicky Taneja

blogger | Posted on | Astrology

Which are the Most Intelligent Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologists?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

All the 12 zodiac signs are based on the time of birth of a person and can tell a lot about his/her characteristics. It’s a bit difficult to pick any one zodiac sign which is said to be the most intelligent of all, and different astrologers have different theories on which they tell such characteristics.




According to some astrologers, people belonging to Gemini are most intelligent. Gemini’s master is Buddha Graha (or mercury) which is associated with goddess Saraswati, and Saraswati is known as the goddess of wisdom.
On the other hand, some astrologers think that Aquarius are the most intelligent. People belonging to this zodiac are considered genius.
Both Gemini and Aquarius have almost the same position when it comes to wisdom and intelligence.
Apart from these two zodiac, people belonging to Scorpio are also considered very intelligent. You just can’t fool people belonging to this zodiac. Their perceptional intelligence is very high.



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I would say that each zodiac represents its own characteristics. However, Intelligence is a brain ability that any zodiac can possess. Virgo and Gemini are examples of signs that are often considered to be more intelligent than signs that are associated with animals. But According to me, Libra can be regarded as the most intelligent sign because it is the only sign represented by an object. Sagittarius zodiac people are regarded as the most philosophical. There are many examples of the Aquarius zodiac who are having high intelligence levels. Gemini could also be possibly smarter.