Which Bollywood actress is more rude and arrogant? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Entertainment

Which Bollywood actress is more rude and arrogant?


At large, I don’t find Bollywood actresses to be rude and arrogant. But then, of course, you will always listen to scoops of some people complaining how in their encounters with these stars they found them rude. Sadly, these people don’t realize that everyone would get angry if someone is constantly intruding their privacy and bugging them.

In my personal meet-up with Deepika, Gul Panag and Karishma Kapoor (met them on sets and in a cafe), I had a very pleasant experience. They looked very humble and easy to get along with. So I think, most of Bollywood actresses don’t have attitude problems.

But in general, if you look overall, through press and no personal experience of meeting them, I think Kangana Ranaut and Priyanka Chopra might be a tad rude. I don’t know why, but I feel if I approach them for a selfie, they would rudely refuse.



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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is an actress who has ruled on Bollywood since many years. But you will be surprised to know that for most of the stage, Aishwarya is known only for senseless.