Which diseases are the reasons of premature aging in humans? - letsdiskuss
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@letsuser | Posted on | Health-beauty

Which diseases are the reasons of premature aging in humans?


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

In modern times, the premature aging does not happen due to any disease, but because of things like not taking meals on time, irregular sleeping schedule, or not taking care of oneself.
People who are careless towards their health, and don’t pay attention on their diet are more vulnerable to early aging.

Some diseases, to put it in your words, that make us age early are as follows:

Insomnia: Irregular sleeping schedule may lead to insomnia which causes constant headache and dark circles beneath your eyes. These things make you look older than your age.
Depression: Stress because of work causes anxiety and depression which makes age early.
Loss of appetite: If you are not taking proper diet and missing on yoyr meals, you may lose your appetite which can affect your body adversely.
Increase in metabolism: Not taking food on time and then having a lot of it in one go increases the fat deposits in your body. This needs extra energy for the body then, and increases the metabolism. This results in weakness.
Increase of acids in body: Spicy junk food has become an inevitable part of our diet and this affects our liver. Due to this, the amount of acid in our body gets increased.

Sadly, it’s our habits which make us age early, unknowingly. But no one wants to get old before time. We all want to look young even in old age just like Bollywood stars, but unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of appointing make up artists and undergoing surgery. So listed below are some suggestions which can help you look young and stop you from aging early:

• Avoid being in stress
• Keep control on your weight
• Take care of your skin



Blogger | Posted on

Untimely maturing disorder, otherwise called progeria, incorporate two uncommon acquired conditions, Hutchinson-Gilford disorder and Werner disorder. In the two conditions, skin changes that show untimely maturing include: Atrophy (skin diminishing and loss of flexibility) Loss of cutaneous fat.


Blogger | Posted on

Untimely maturing disorders, otherwise called progeria, incorporate two uncommon acquired conditions, Hutchinson-Gilford disorder and Werner disorder. In the two conditions, skin changes that demonstrate untimely maturing include: