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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Health-beauty

Which is the best 100 percent natural toothpaste in India?


Student | Posted on

There are, actually, numerous 100 percent characteristic toothpastes accessible in India. Names like Dabur, Himalaya, Patanjali and Vicco have supported offering home grown toothpastes.


Blogger | Posted on

sensodyne is the best 100 percent natural toothpaste in India


students | Posted on

I had a companion in school who was a ceaseless smoker and by interminable I mean his day wouldn't begin without a "light" and it clearly didn't end without one either. Before the finish of the main year, he had this gigantic dark fix on the front two teeth. As you can envision, each time he grinned more than the teeth, it was the fix that shone in the entirety of its brilliance. He took a stab at everything to evacuate the fix, put a wide range of things on his teeth, attempted all the costly toothpastes (even those suggested for smokers) however nothing appeared to be working. At long last he attempted DABUR RED. I think it was more by chance than decision. Phenomenally we as a whole seen that the fix began vanishing and before a week's over, it was no more! It was really more abnormal currently to see his grin with a lot of splendidly white teeth. Since the time that day, Dabur Red turned into a fury on my grounds. So my companion I think the decision is self-evident!


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Himalaya Neem and Pomegranate Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste


Blogger | Posted on

Dabur, Himalaya


Marketing Manager | Posted on


There are, in fact, many 100 percent natural toothpastes available in India. Many top and international brands have jumped on the scene to sidestep their original and mainstream varieties to introduce herbal toothpastes these days.

So saying which one is the best is rather difficult given they all are decent in their own rights. But if you want to purchase, you should definitely go with the home-brands because they are early players in this niche. Names like Dabur, Himalaya, Patanjali and Vicco have championed offering herbal toothpastes. But then there are also my renowned brands who are offering many variations of natural toothpaste, including Sensodyne, Colgate and Pepsodent.

These all brands are quite good and you can easily trust them to help you maintain good mouth hygiene. My personal favorite and what my whole family uses is Colgate Herbal Toothpaste.

Also, worth noting is that if you’re really looking for 100 percent natural toothpaste, you are better off using branches of Neem tree or Indian lilac. They are much healthier. Remember, the above mentioned brands, although claim they offer full natural toothpaste, it’s hard to believe they are not using any harmful substance, for say, to make the toothpaste taste good?!

So yeah, make your decision carefully. Not that it’s a big one, but given it matters your teeth, you ought to be careful.