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Vanisha Anand

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Who are Taliban?


student | Posted on

The Taliban is the Islamist religious political movement and also a military organization in Afghanistan. It is founded in September, 1994 at Kandahar, Afghanistan. The founders of Taliban are Mohammad Omar and Abdul Ghani Baradar. It has groups like primarily pashtuns, minority Tajiks, and Turukmens. It has it's headquarters situated at Kandahar, Afghanistan. They have many opponets and allies. They have fought many battles and big wars like Afghan Civil war, war in afghanistan, etc.



student | Posted on

Not many people know who the Taliban are. In fact, the Taliban is a group of Sunni Muslim fundamentalist militants who have operated primarily in Afghanistan since 1994 and Pakistan since 2007. They aim to enforce Islamic law over their respective countries by fighting to oust Westernized Muslim governments and create an ideal society based on Sharia law.

The Taliban began its life as a small militia known as Maktab-al-Khidamat (MAK), led by Dr. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (died 1989). The organization was designed in 1973 by Osama bin Laden, but continued to grow under its other two leaders, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mohammed Omar Guitry (killed 2010)

Letsdiskuss .


translator | Posted on

Afghanistan was invaded and ruled by the Soviet Union from 1979. After the victory over the Soviet Union by the Mujahedeen factions with the U.S. help ,they were fighting with each other for control which ended up in civil war. This is when Taliban, the militant outfit formed to end the warlords .They could garner followers quickly and they took over Afghanistan in 1995 and declared the country as an Islamic country with strict interpretations of the preaching’s of Quran with public punishments. Here girls were not allowed to go to school and had a very meager role to play in the society.They were in power till 2001 until U.S.invaded Afghanistan in retaliation of the Al Qaeda attack on their country.



Content writer | Posted on

The Taliban believes in the strong Muslim fundamental laws and they are against modernism and equal rights for women. Taliban are Muslim outfits who named themselves as Students and they have succeeded in bringing Afghanistan under their control now. These Taliban has a history dating back to around a quarter of a century when they first emerged and tried to take over the country then in 1995 .They were defeated by the Mujahedeen supported by the United States.. U.S. were happy to support the mujahedeen to wage a war with their rival.Letsdiskuss


| Posted on

The taliban was started in kandahar province of southern afghanistan by Mullah mohammad omar a mujahideen military chief in 1994 . It drew members from mujahideen fighters that helped push the Russians when living with 'representative committees of the workers' in government out of the country in 1989 .

The groups name, which means "learners" in the pushtu language, is a reference to the founding members having studied under Mullah omar .

With about 50 followers in 1994, the self-interest group fought for control of afghanistan during the postSovietera Civil 5 war .

In a span of 2 years, the taliban made prisoner kandahar and took control of kabul in 1996 and quickly and smoothly made over-great use of strict 8 Mohammed following rules . It ruled afghanistan from 1996 until being overcame by us forces in 2001 coming here-after September 11 person causing great fear through unlawful activity attacks in the United states, which put to death nearly 3000 people .

taliban kept safe same box weighted down with, the person with a mind of the highest quality behind 11 September, 2001 person causing great fear through unlawful activity attacks in America, and refused to hand over weighted down with to us after which, american military forces gone into kabul through air strikes and overcame Mullah mars government .

The groups starting person and other taliban leaders went back to far away, widely different places while they made system design operations to get back power in afghanistan .
