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Aarav Jindal

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Who discovered North America?


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The first people to arrive in North America were the Paleo-Indians, who crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Asia over 15,000 years ago. The first European to discover North America was Leif Erikson, a Viking who landed in Newfoundland around 1000 AD. However, Erikson's discovery did not lead to any lasting European settlement in North America.

The first permanent European settlement in North America was established by the Spanish in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. The English established their first permanent settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. The French established their first permanent settlement in Quebec City in 1608.

The Dutch established their first permanent settlement in New Amsterdam (present-day New York City) in 1624. The Swedes established their first permanent settlement in Fort Christina (present-day Wilmington, Delaware) in 1638.

The thirteen English colonies on the east coast of North America declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776.The birth of the United States of America occurred.

So, to answer your question, there is no single person who discovered North America. It was discovered by many different people over thousands of years.


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