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Roy Sumit

Blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

Who is the first female executive officer of a nuclear aircraft carrier ?


Flight Lieutenant ( Indian Air Force) | Posted on

It is Amy Bauernschmidt, the first woman in Navy history to hold the title of executive officer, or XO, of a nuclear warship. She is the second in command of the USS Abraham Lincoln, which is one of 11 U.S. aircraft carriers stationed around the world.


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Amy Baauernschmidt’s task is to manage the ship’s day to day operations, and keep the commander free so that he/she can focus on strategy. The warship she has under herself is said to be “on the front lines of disaster relief, humanitarian crises and armed conflict”.
When asked if she ever stops and thinks about her job and the responsibilities associated with that, she says that she hardly gets any time for that. She says that she’s very glad to be that busy, as stopping and thinking could be really daunting.
A native of Milwaukee, she got her life changed in 1994, when Congress repealed the law which prevented women from serving of warships and planes. She seized every opportunity that came her way after that and it was not long when she became a naval aviator.