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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | Entertainment

Who is the youngest person to win an Oscar?


B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on

When it comes tothe Oscars, usually it’s the older, more established actors that bag this prestigious award for their film work. However, sometimes a young talent gives the performance that just can not be ignored.

Tatum O'Neal is one of them who was at the age of 10 for the movie Paper Moon (1973) won the Oscar for the best actress in a supporting role.

She became the youngest person to win an Oscar in 1974. O'Neal played the role of 'Addie Loggins', an orphan opposite her real-life dad Ryan in her acting debut. She is a child con artist being tutored by him and for her iconic performance in the movie she went on to become the youngest winner in Oscar history.
