Why are people with two holes on their backs called special? - letsdiskuss
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Viku Singh

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Why are people with two holes on their backs called special?


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Back dimples are small indentations on the lower back, just above the butt. They are caused by a short ligament that attaches the superior iliac spine (the outside edge of the iliac bone) to the skin. Back dimples are harmless and do not have any medical implications. They are often considered a sign of beauty, especially in women.

Back dimples are also called "dimples of Venus". This name comes from Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty. Back dimples are not uncommon, and they are estimated to occur in about 1 in 5 people.

There is no way to make back dimples appear if you do not have them naturally. However, there are some exercises that can help to make them more pronounced. These exercises involve strengthening the muscles in the lower back and abdomen.


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