Why are there so many ‘secret’ books? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Why are there so many ‘secret’ books?


The secrecy of books is a widespread phenomenon, both ancient and modern. The reasons for secrecy range from protection of commercial interests to concealment of moral lapses. So at first glance, this appears to be common sense: if I don't want anyone seeing what's in my book, then I should keep it hidden.


But the implications are more complicated than that.

Many people have asked, from where do books get their ‘secret’ inside covers? What is it that makes the book so much more special than the other titles on the shelf, with no pictures or indications of what's inside? Many people have thought they had finally found out the mystery: The answer lies in its 'secret' design.

But then they see a book that is not like theirs or anything on display at all and wonder how it came to be. It turns out they had stumbled upon an amazing secret about "magic" books.

How to make a 'secret' book?

Most book cover designs are made with images that are easily seen. A title, author, and the name of the company come to mind. This is because of their very nature – they have visual characteristics that are easy to identify. They look like real books and magazines without any apparent special features.

But this doesn’t mean that there are no other books made in this way. The fact that most books have covers of this kind means that there is a huge market for books with covers of this kind. There are also a lot of manufacturers who produce books with the same look as most real cover types, and there is a huge market for these products. By ‘look’ we mean not only the cover type, but also the general design of the book itself.

Most books on sale today have their covers designed by professionals to resemble real titles, so they can be easily recognized and found on any shelf at any major bookstore chain.

The Secret Books eBook by Jack Byrne - 1230001555493 | Rakuten Kobo India