Student-B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering,Mit Art Design and Technology University | Posted on | News-Current-Topics
Entrepreneur | Posted on
Perhaps NDTV is the only large media channel that isn’t a sold out and dare to ask tough questions from the government?!!!
NDTV is India’s leading and most reputed news channel that has decades of experience and an incredible track record of upholding the highest of journalistic ethics. It has produced some good journalists over the course—from Ravish Kumar and Vikram Chandra to Rajdeep Sardesai and Barkha Dutt. These names, along with plenty others are known to be old-school, liberal journalists who believe in asking tough questions from those in the power. This alone is the biggest reason why BJP dislikes—because why would they like an organization that stands against their decisive politics and majoritarian policies.
It is these people and few others who questioned Narendra Modi and Amit Shah’s role in 2002 Gujarat riots. It is these people who asked questions to BJP when Barbri Masjid was destroyed.
Right now, BJP is virtually boycotting NDTV. You will hardly see their spokesperson and ministers giving interviews and being in the show on this channel. This is quite pity and actually a threat to democracy.
Because, in these difficult times, there are news channels that have turned into either government’s mouth piece or have come into existence with help from ministers. Except for few, no one is daring to ask tough questions to the government—no one is holding the ministers and politicians of BJP accountable. And the one who does this, they are basically boycotted by BJP. This is extremely dangerous.
Probably BJP will start liking NDTV the day when people on this channel start asking them “sir, baago me bahar hai” instead of tough and real questions.
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Student | Posted on
BJP supporters anticipate that NDTV will pursue the case of Zee News and TimesNow. These two channels never talk against the Government. They continue lauding BJP. So BJP supporters expect each news channel must acclaim Modi and BJP.
Twofold standard :
BJP restricted NDTV for one day on ninth Nov. They say NDTV indicated recordings of some high security territories.
Everybody realized that its ISI which helped fear mongers to dispatch assault on the Pathankot base. Be that as it may, Modi then again permitted a similar ISI officers to visit the base.
On the off chance that the Government trusts that security of the base is imperiled in at any rate then PM Modi/BJP Government should likewise to be faulted.
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Student | Posted on
BJP supporters anticipate that NDTV will pursue the case of Zee News and TimesNow. These two channels never talk against the Government. They continue lauding BJP. So BJP supporters expect each news channel must acclaim Modi and BJP.
Twofold standard :
BJP restricted NDTV for one day on ninth Nov. They say NDTV indicated recordings of some high security territories.
Everybody realized that its ISI which helped fear mongers to dispatch assault on the Pathankot base. Be that as it may, Modi then again permitted a similar ISI officers to visit the base.
On the off chance that the Government trusts that security of the base is imperiled in at any rate then PM Modi/BJP Government should likewise to be faulted.
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Blogger | Posted on
BJP supporters anticipate that NDTV will pursue the case of Zee News and TimesNow. These two channels never talk against the Government. They continue commending BJP. So BJP supporters expect each news channel must acclaim Modi and BJP.
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@letsuser | Posted on
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