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Tarun Gupta

Digital Marketing Expert | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

why delhi air is so polluted ??


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on

According to me, the major reason of pollution in Delhi is the ever increasing traffic on the city’s roads. According to a report by Indian Express,

“Road dust and secondary particles emitted from various sources are the primary contributors of pollution in the national capital, according to a draft report by IIT Kanpur. While the pollutants are almost similar in both summer and winter, sources said vehicles are the major contributors to pollution during winter.”


While the major contributors are trucks and two-wheelers, secondary particles (25-30 per cent), vehicles (20-25 per cent), biomass burning (17-26 per cent), MSW burning (9-8 per cent) are also there in the list. Even the soil and road dust are causing the air pollution in Delhi.

There’s no denying that this cosmopolitan metropolis is habituating the population from all over the country and from neighboring countries as well. And the sustenance of this big population is really big challenge for the authorities in charge.


Apart from this, Delhi and its vicinity hosts many Industrial areas the residues of which can be seen as a major cause for air and water pollution. It is the burden multiple-roles that the Capital City plays, which is making it not only over-populated, but also over-polluted.

Despite the schemes like odd-even vehicle days, banning crackers on Diwali, and using CNG more and more, the air pollution in the city is uncontrollable.