Why did Elon Musk delete SpaceX and Tesla pages from Facebook? - letsdiskuss
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amankumarlot@gmail.com | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why did Elon Musk delete SpaceX and Tesla pages from Facebook?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Elon Musk is a living legend. The kind of diverse projects he does is commendable. He doesn't need Facebook anyways!!


Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

The one thing that is common between Brian Acton (WhatsApp co-founder) and Elon Musk is neither of them likes Facebook.

After WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton went on Twitter and asked users to #DeleteFacebook, Elon Musk sarcastically asked what is Facebook? and this started a laugh riot

One of Elon Musk's followers dared him to delete his Facebook pages. And in his reply without giving a second thought Elon deleted SpaceX and Tesla pages from the social media platform, calling these pages "lame anyway".

The Twitter hashtag #DeleteFacebook came after news that data company Cambridge Analyticagained access to millions of Facebook users' data and allegedly used it to try to influence the 2016 US presidential race in favor of Donald Trump.


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