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Abdul Malik

News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why did Jacob Zuma resign?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

President, Jacob Zuma of South Africa, a very tactful and diplomatic leader had to step down from his long presidency tenure of 9 years after the continuous pressure from his own ANC ( African Natuonal Congress) party. After been through a lot of ups and downs and facing a streak of scandals and stringent court orders, Jacob decided to quit on Wednesday night. However, while addressing a press conference, he said that he is disagreed with his party's decision and began his speech on a lighter note asking reporters why they are looking serious. After paying tribute to the co-workers with whom he had worked during his tenure, he concluded his speech saying “As I leave I will continue to serve the people of South Africa as well as ANC, the organisation I have served....all of my life".
