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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

Why do food joints in UK and other places want to have Halal Authentication?


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

Halal is an Arabic word, which means ‘lawful’. According to the norms of Holy Quoran, the followers of Islam can consume only Halal meat. And despite the majority of Halal meat-eaters being based in Pakistan, Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa, Bangladesh or India, the food joints in western countries are keen on getting the Halal Authenticated meat in their premises.

Some of these food joints have successfully achieved this, while others like McDonald’s find it difficult to incorporate Halal meat as that demands significant and big changes in their kitchen.

With the growing population of Muslims in western countries like UK since 20th century (The Pew Foundation has estimated Britain's Muslim community will continue to expand, to 8.2% of the population, or around 5.6 million people, by 2030 –source: the Guardian), the Halal meat has entered the food market and is waiting to make it big there. London even hosts a Halal Food Festival for “Halaloodies”.

According to these “Halaloodies”, it is about choices. In almost all food joints, there is an option for vegetarians, so why there shouldn’t be for those who can only eat Halal meat. Entry of Halal food in the gastronomical industry is the only way that the followers of Islam can taste the delicacies served around the world.

According to those who feel restricted in their food choices, it is a matter of equal choices on global level.

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Chef at Hotel Radisson | Posted on

It all started with the immigration of Muslims to UK in the twentieth century. Because of being a minority, they found it difficult to get places to offer Namaz and the appropriate food which is called “Halal” according to the holy Quoran. They eventually figured out certain ways to get the Halal meat but the sector was a marginal one then.

Now however, the industry of Halal Food has spread worldwide, so much so that food joints like Nando’s and Pizza Express are authenticated and serve Hala Meat only, keeping in mind the tradition and values of Muslims. This can be seen as the growing influence of muslim community over time. They now don’t face any kind of scarcity when it comes to food that their religion allows. Almost all the supermarkets in UK have Halal Meat available in them.
What is the status in the USA can only be guessed.
Anyway, it is a good thing that global acceptance is giving rise to new gastronomical industries. But this should not be ignored that it’s not like Muslim community has not adapted itself with the modern, western world. The younger Muslims have interpreted the rules of Quoran according to their convenience which have made their life much easier in the situations of scarcity and non-availability.


Blogger | Posted on

That would be a bit of leeway industrially, as there is a huge Muslim populace in Britain, so making shoddy nourishment accessible to them just as the less fastidious Brits bodes well Brits of other or no religion couldn't care less about the strict customs encompassing food arrangement, thus long as they can get their bacon butties, or cuts of bacon in their burgers, any unique prerequisites like halal and legitimate or sheshita are immaterial.

I'm a New Zealander, and there has been the accessibility of halal/genuine nourishments here for quite a while, yet we despite everything make the most of our pork, bacon, and different things, and to us the cleanliness conditions in which the food is readied is considerably more significant, just as having altruistic conditions for the creatures.

Halal is gotten from the Jewish custom, which was embraced on the grounds that in the diminish and far off past, in a hot nation, absence of comprehension about parasitism in meats, and issues of weakness in ladies through lacking iron, just as the little rate of haemochromatosis-a lot of iron - was the reason the creature was not just depleted of blood, primary veins pulled, (in sheshita practice) however then completely doused to evacuate however much blood as could be expected.


Blogger | Posted on

For a few reasons:

In territories that have not many Muslim individuals they're not going to try paying extra to be pronounced halal when their customer base wouldn't mind at any rate.

In territories with a huge Muslim populace they might be more interest for it yet then there would be an issue with their pork items.

A few gatherings article to halal butcher practices and decline to eat halal as a result of it. On the off chance that there is a huge populace of Sikhs for instance they would lose their business.

McDonalds has a set menu and purchase from specific providers they can't change this for the modest number of retailers who may profit by offering halal items.

Eventually the Muslim populace are a little level of the populace so they would prefer to adhere to current practices which are acknowledged by the dominant part as that is the place they bring in their cash.