Why do you think youth today is more inclined towards the study of science and technology than towards the study of other disciplines like humanities? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Education

Why do you think youth today is more inclined towards the study of science and technology than towards the study of other disciplines like humanities?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

The answer to this is very simple, in science and technology youth sees their future. Not just their future, but the future of everyone. No wonder IItians today think of themselves as superior than Duites, and the competition does not just end here. Science and Technology, and its study has become a status symbol today. You would be looked down upon if you are not a tech savvy person.

With the latest advancements in science happening day after day, people are more and more intrigued by the mechanisms and functioning of various gadgets and technologies. AI has already started creating a digital world which corresponds the real. Yes, virtual or digital is the new imaginary. This is the main reason people don’t want to learn fine arts, creative arts, or things like that. They are more inclined towards the world of science and technology.

Another reason is that there is a demand of tech experts almost everywhere in the world. Big MNSc want to hire them at any cost and hence a person well versed with latest technology finds no difficulty in bagging the highest packages over the placements.
So this field has money, it has prestige and most importantly, it’s said to have the future in its grasp.



Avid Reader | Posted on

I somehow disagree!

There is no field which is good or bad and neither its true that today's students are more inclined towards Science and Technology....gone are the days.

With newer and newer approach - arts, creative writing and designing are touching the heights. Imagine had Steve Jobs didn't consult right interface designers, would Apple be so successful?