Why does front windshield of the car cracks when exposed in hot temp or direct sunlight for too long? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | others

Why does front windshield of the car cracks when exposed in hot temp or direct sunlight for too long?


The summer heat is a very common cause of windshield damage. Heat causes windshields to
expand, causing cracks and chips in the glass as it is in a vulnerable position within the frame.
Summer heat can also cause small chips or cracks to quickly spread into larger breaks. This is
why we recommend getting a windshield repair as soon as you see minor windshield damage, in
order to avoid needing a full windshield replacement. Letsdiskuss

Another reason why windshield cracks are common in the summer is that drivers usually
crank up their air conditioning when they jump into their hot car during the summer. Imagine
when you pop a couple of ice cubes into a warm drink. That popping sound is similar to what is
happening to your windshield when you are blowing ice cold air onto it after it has been baking
in the hot sun for hours.

Tips to prevent your windshield from getting cracks or chips during summer or to prevent any
further damage if your windshield has any minor chips or cracks.

1. The best way is to park your car in the shade whenever possible.

2. Keep your windows slightly open when it is parked so that the temperature inside of your car
does not get too hot.

3. Roll down all your windows for a minute or two after you get in the car to easily release
the hot air inside.