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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why does it freeze as soon as I add water to the cement, what is the formula behind it?


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Content writer, content editor | Posted on

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Why does it freeze as soon as I add water to the cement, what is the formula behind it ?

When we mix Water with Cement then cement forms as paste which binds the molecules of dust tightly.because it reacts with dust(Cement) and Water like as a Chemical Reaction which is called HYDRATION.

Water Cement Ratio:

It is the ratio of the weight of Water to the weight of Cement used in concrete mix.

A lower ratio leads to higher strength and durability but may make the mix difficult to work with and form work ability can be resolved with the use of Plasticizers and Super-Plastizers.

Often ,The ratio refers to the ratio water to cementitious materials, such Fly Ash,Ground Granulated Blast Furnance Slag, Silika Fume,Rice hush ash.

Supplementry cementitious materials are added to strengthen concrete.

The Notion of Water: In 1997 Uniform Building Code specifies a maximum of 0.45 ratio when concrete is exposed to freezing and thawing in a moist condition or to de icing chemicals,and a maximum of 0.45 ratio for concrete in a servere or very servere sulphate condition.Forevery pound of Cement about 0.35 pounds of water is needed to fuly complete hydration reaction.


Na2 So4.xH2O tends Na2So4 + x H2O