Why does it rain spiders in jamaica? How does this happen? - letsdiskuss
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Why does it rain spiders in jamaica? How does this happen?


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"Spider Rain" or "Angel Hair", as this phenomenon has generally come to be known as, doesn't really refer to the spiders raining from the sky (well if that would have been the case we would have used the idiom "it's raining spiders" instead of "it's raining cats and dogs", wouldn't we?).

Having said that, the phenomenon of Spider Rain is associated with a scientific explanation associated with something called "spider ballooning".


Starting from the start, not only in Jamaica, but many regions with warm whether, especially tropical regions experience these uncanny hanging spiders and their webs in the sky.

We all know that spiders love warm and dark places and hence, they tend to make their burrows in grounds in regions like Australia. Jamaica, and Brazil. Now whenever they feel threatened on the grounds (for example at the time of floods) they weave their web up in the sky and live there.

Since more often than not, this web is barely visible, it seems like spiders are falling down like rain from the sky.

It is most likely to be happening at the time of what I mentioned earlier as "spider ballooning". It is a form of transportation that spiders use. This involves spiders to climb onto some high area and releasing silk to take off. They can travel through continents in this manner.

According to the scientists from the University of California and Ohio, it keeps happening all the time, but is noticeable only when it happens in bulk. Usually, there are only few spiders ballooning and hence the "Angel Hair" go unnoticed. But when many spiders are doing it simultaneously (which usually happens in the month of May and August), it seems like it's raining spiders.

The scientists claim that these spiders are not venomous and hence are harmless. They, however, may harm crops as the crops become so covered with web that they don't receive any sunlight.

These spiders may also disturb humans by getting entangled in hair and facial hair, or by crawling in numbers inside their home if left abandoned and dark for very long.



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Spiders rain in Jamaica. Is it true? This is the exact question that may pop up in your mind right now. Friends, the residents of Southern Minas Gerais state have observed spiders flying in the sky. This incident is indeed hard to believe. But several photos and videos have been shared on social media regarding the hanging spiders in the sky of Jamaica.

Wait! Do not panic! They are not harmful to any human and do not fall into the ground also. They remain there hanging up in the sky. They find it comfortable to stay there in the sky of Jamaica in the hot, humid weather of summer. These spiders retreat in the daytime for the formation of communal bivouac. During the sunset, they leave the place. On the way, they curate silk webs to connect the trees and bushes. These silk webs help catch flying insects and mosquitoes.
They are often found in the baseline mountains when the humidity is high and clouds are low. They do this to protect their eggs from the evaporating water. They hatch and stay up in the cloud for several weeks. They stay there eating flying insects and sometimes cannibalizing.
When a group of arachnids migrates all together using a technique called ballooning, spider rain happens in Jamaica. Their spinning of thousands of silk strands for the formation of a triangular parachute allows the clever critters to catch the breeze to a new ground.


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The phenomenon of "raining spiders" has been reported in many parts of the world, including Jamaica. While it may sound strange and unusual, there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.




In Jamaica, the spiders that are most commonly seen falling from the sky are the orb-weaver spiders. These spiders build webs that are quite strong and can be carried long distances by the wind. When the weather conditions are just right, these spiders release silk strands that act like parachutes, allowing them to be carried aloft by the wind. This is known as "ballooning" and is a common behavior for many species of spiders.

When the wind currents carry these spiders to a new area, they may eventually descend from the sky, creating the appearance of "raining spiders". While it may seem unusual and even alarming, these spiders are generally harmless to humans and are simply trying to find new habitats.


It's worth noting that while the phenomenon of "raining spiders" is relatively rare, it has been documented in other parts of the world as well. In fact, some scientists believe that this behavior may help explain how certain species of spiders have managed to spread to new areas over time.