Why does Modi government want to dilute the RTI (Right to Information) Act? - letsdiskuss
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Brij Gupta

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Why does Modi government want to dilute the RTI (Right to Information) Act?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Since coming to power, Modi Government has spent more than Rs 4,343.26 crore on its advertisement and publicity. This was revealed through an RTI filed by an activist.

Now, wouldn’t the ruling party want to dilute the Right to Information Act if it helps in revealing their heinous measures that usually remains hidden under the carpet?!!!

In India, we had a long-fought battle to bring RTI act under the constitution. Thousands of people struggled their whole life to make this act a reality. Thousands of them still work day and night to ensure the department functions smooth, without interference and in accordance to what it was originally meant to be.

When those in power go berserk, it is RTI that gives facts and proves to measure the pain of the sufferers. It is RTI that cleans facts from opinions. It is RTI that keeps a check on powerful people who even the judiciary dare not question. When every pillar of the democracy starts crumbling, it is the RTI act that takes on the weight of the structure to give the citizens enough time to re-build the pillars.

Contest it as much as you want—Modi government is hell-bent on destroying the 4 pillars of democracy: the legislature, executive, judiciary, and media. Since independence, these 4 pillars are in their worst shape ever. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the party wants RTI act to be diluted or, at least, amended to better suit their agenda.

(Courtesy: NDTV)

The ministers haven’t worked in the past 4 years. Money has been wasted. Common people have died. No real work has really happed on the ground that has genuinely helped the people. These are facts that can only be backed by the RTI. So, unsurprisingly, the government wants the RTI act to be gone for good. Media is already handed over a Hindu-Muslim syllabus to run 24/7. No real news is really coming from them. Now the ruling party wants a credible source such as Right To Information Act to be controlled so that the real facts don’t surface. After all, they don’t want to be left red-faced again as was the case when news of them spending Rs 4,343.26 crore on their own publicity came out. Yes, Rs 4,343.26 crore. Can you count the zeros this figure has?

(Courtesy: Rising Kashmir)