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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why don-t cricket players like Kohli and Dhoni speak on social and political issues ?


@letsuser | Posted on

A simple answer is that they are asked by the management to not to speak up on controversial issues. The players are asked to stay out of trouble.

Also, even from personal perspective, the players usually decide to not to say anything on the polarizing political issues. It might create controversies, affect their game, risk their own life, as well as that of the team’s.

So yes, this is why we usually see cricket players – at least the top ones – stay mum on important issues in the country.

However, that being said, this thing is quite absurd. If there’s something that’s changing the dynamics of the country, cricketers should definitely speak up. Imagine the kind of affect the opinions of the top names like Kohli and Dhoni can have in shaping the issues and building consensus.

None spoke during the JNU controversy; no one is saying anything on the growing intolerance in the country. But I personally hope they do in the coming days—at least on important things. With the goodwill and stature they enjoy in the public, they can really make a big difference.



Blogger | Posted on

Because they are envious of the fact that Mahendra Singh Dhoni is more loved and plays better than they expect.