Why drinking pop can be detrimental to womens’ health - letsdiskuss
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gadiya swamy

SEO at SEO For Google | Posted on | Health-beauty

Why drinking pop can be detrimental to womens’ health


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As per my thoughts,A couple of wellbeing impacts from drinking pop can prompt: ... seen that soda has especially harming impacts on ladies than men – regardless of whether it's eating routine. The measure of caffeine in an 8– ounce jar of a caffeinated drink is about the equivalent ... The measure of sugar in caffeinated drinks is about indistinguishable sum from soda. ... guarana or yohimbine can even have unsafe symptoms...


Visiting Consultant Physician, Rockland hospital, Dwarka | Posted on

Regular drinking of soda or carbonated soft drinks or POP has bad effects on all people but it may cause more detrimental effects on women's heath like following-

A)Prematures aging- estimated that drinking 20 ounces of soda per day caused an accelerated appearance in age of just over 4 1/2 years according to findings published in the American Journal of Public Health.

B) Drinking too much soda can lower potassium levels resulting in irregular heartbeat function and increase in blood pressure

C) One of the main ingredients in soda, phosphoric acid, is thought to leach calcium out of bones potentially leading to osteoporosis. In addition, women who drink soda tend to drink less milk decreasing their consumption of *****-building calcium, to begin with.

D)Women who consume soda on a regular basis have an elevated risk of gout possibly attributed to the associated sugar intake.

E) Soda consumption may cause low fertility in both male and females .

F) Soda contain high sugar and calories which may cause obesity ,increased risk of diabetes and heart problems.