Why india is still on 74- Literacy rate??? - letsdiskuss
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Kuldeep Giri

Teacher | Posted on | Education

Why india is still on 74- Literacy rate???


Assistant professor ( Finance & Marketing) & Admission Councellor | Posted on


Literacy in India is a key for socio-economic progress, and the Indian literacy rate has grown to 74% (2011 Census figure), with recent reports of 80% literacy approaching the world average rate of 84%. The literacy rate at the end of British rule in 1947 was around 12%

India talks about Right to Education but we can witness that there are no proper education laws which can be implemented. Every year government spends lakhs of money for the education, healthcare , employment, infrastructure still we are not aware of its usage due to poor literacy which is far from the other countries.

We all know that India is a developing country after independence India has seen a tremendous change in its economy, Population, & employment. We are considered to be in the 21st century where the progress is seen in different sectors in the economy .some sector are the Education sector, population , healthcare, employment

literacy rate

The above analysis shows the percentage of male and female above who can read and write( census recorded from the year (1951 to 2011) In 2015, the degree of literacy in India was 71.96 percent.

In 2018 the Literacy rate in India was recorded as 74% .

Some of the Factors of low literacy rate in India are:-

economic development factor

The other social factors include:-

a) A Public Report On Basic Education (PROBE) team did surveys and reported that in some parts of India had poor infrastructure the money allotted to state for infrastructure development is not properly utilized.
b) There has been increase number of absenteeism of teachers from schools specially the government schools.
c) In 600,000 villages and multiplying urban slum habitats, ‘free and compulsory education’ is the basic literacy instruction dispensed by barely qualified ‘para teachers’.
d) The average Pupil Teacher Ratio for All India is 1:42, implying teacher shortage. Such inadequacies resulted in a non-standardized school system where literacy rates may differ .
e) Severe caste disparities also exist.
f) Discrimination of lower castes has resulted in high dropout rates and low enrollment rates. The National Sample Survey Organization and the National Family Health Survey collected data in India on the percentage of children completing primary school which are reported to be only 36.8% and 37.7% respectively.