Why is Corona virus causing the most deaths in Italy? - letsdiskuss
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Why is Corona virus causing the most deaths in Italy?


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Why is Corona virus leading to the most deaths in Italy?

So far more than nine thousand people have died in Italy due to Corona virus infection while more than 80 thousand people are infected. It is more than any other country in the world.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Gizzi Conte, has assured the country that before the present emergency imposed in Italy, which ends on April 3, the people will start living normal life even before that.

But the kind of statistics coming from Italy, the situation does not seem to be possible at the moment. The Lombardy region of Italy is the most threatened. In Lombardy itself, a total of 541 people have died in the last 24 hours.

The situation in Italy is currently such that the dead houses are filled with dead bodies and the death toll is increasing continuously.

But how did the corona virus infection reach this level in Italy? What is the reason that the corona virus is spreading more rapidly in Italy than any other country in Europe and has killed more than nine thousand people.

Corona virus infection officially began in Italy on 20 February. When a 38-year-old man conducted his investigation in Codogno town of Lombardy. When the investigation report came, this person was found infected with the corona virus. This was Italy's first officially filed Covid-19 case.

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However, some health officials believe that the virus entered Italy long ago.

According to a researcher at the Department of Infectious Disease at the Italian National Institute of Health, "The virus had already arrived in Italy for quite some time."

He says, "This happened right when we were suffering from the worst phase of influenza and people were coming out with the symptoms of influenza."

Before the first case in Italy, there were several cases of pneumonia in the northern part of the country. This is officially confirmed as many such cases were reported in the hospital in Codogno town of Lombardy in which people had complaints of pneumonia.
In such a situation, it is possible that those who have come for treatment have been infected with the virus, but they have been treated not as a virus infection but as a flu or pneumonia sufferer. In such a situation, these people may be due to the spread of the virus.

The northern region of Lombardy is the worst affected by the virus. Of the infected people across the country, 85 percent are from this region and out of the total deaths in Italy, 92 percent are from this region.

This does not mean that only this area of Italy is vulnerable to the virus. Cases of infection have been reported in all 20 provinces of Italy.

What is the cause of so many deaths in Italy?

Some officials believe that because the virus continued to spread without detection. Due to this, there are hundreds of deaths in Italy every day due to increasing infection.

According to Ricardo, a health officer from Italy, "When it started spreading, we didn't know about it. It meant that by the time we
realized that it was spreading, by then it was a Had spread as a chain. "

Ricardo believes that this is the reason why Italy is currently losing such a large number of its people.

However some officials also believe that since more tests are being done in Italy than in any European country, the number of infected people here seems to be increasing in this way.

According to the National Health Institute, if the average age of people who have died due to Corona virus infection in Italy so far is 81 years.

According to the United Nations (UN), Italy is the second country with the largest number of people after Japan. It also means that if these people are hit by corona, then there is a high risk of them getting seriously ill.

A major reason for the deaths in Italy is also being seen that a large elderly population lives in Italy. According to the information found so far in the context of corona virus, the elderly are at the highest risk of infection with this virus. Italy has a very large population which exceeds 65.

On the one hand, while some experts are looking at increasing cases of infection by linking with the sample being tested, some experts believe that the rate of death in Italy is currently higher.

He argues that this rate is based on reported cases only, whereas in far-flung areas there may be many cases which are not registered anywhere.

According to Dr. Kasani, who runs a clinic for the elderly in Lombardy, the population and type of population in northern Italy may be a major reason.

According to IQAir, the Swiss air monitoring platform that tests air quality, Italy is home to 24 of Europe's most polluted cities.
Experts believe that due to the infection of the virus, trouble in breathing, mortality and polluted air can also be an important reason.