Why is Israel attacking Gaza? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

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Why is Israel attacking Gaza?


student | Posted on

Israel attacks on Gaza is only a protest and revenge. Israel is attacking Gaza due to June abduction and murders of three Israeli teenagers by Gaza. Israel attacks on Gaza to stop the rocket fires from Gaza into their area. The firing has increased after an Israeli crack down on Hamas and 12 June kidnapping and murders of the three teenagers. The conflict between Israel and Gaza has started due to elections but now it has turned into a protest.

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translator | Posted on

Letsdiskuss Gaza strip is occupied by Muslim majority and Israel took control of the strip in 1967 after a war with the Arabs. Israel has a right to enter Gaza any time with military and has control over the territory.

The conflict started on May 10, after weeks of unrest in Jerusalem among Palestinian protesters, the police and right-wing Israelis increased,underlying reason being the control of the city equally sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians.East Jerusalem has Palestinian majority and they think that Israel wants to evict them from the city.Israeli police raided the Aqsa Mosque compound to prevent Palestinians protesters from gathering and throwing stones. In the fighting many were injured from both sides.Hamas controlled Gaza began firing rockets asking Israel to withdraw from the site, triggering air strikes from Israel as answer to them. Tensions are high between Israel and Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.