Why is Narendra Modi blamed for the medical oxygen shortage in India? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Singh

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Why is Narendra Modi blamed for the medical oxygen shortage in India?


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Indeed, it is weird that the State Govts, High Courts and surprisingly the Supreme Court are frequently accusing the Center however there is no law under which the Center might be expected to take responsibility for it.
I don't think Oxygen is a fundamental ware like the things sold in proportion shops.
Except if and until any thing is banned from being exchanged uninhibitedly, the Center can not be censured for its lack, according to the law, and I am stunned to see the dormancy of the Hospitals and the State Govts who permitted their stocks to exhaust prior to purchasing any substitutions.
I figure the courts can not be talking in slender air.
At the point when a HC Judge gives a request (requesting the Center to give a clear sum from Oxygen to a state) at that point there should be some law which enables the Judge to pass such request.
I need to know which law is that - which makes it a task of the Center to give Oxygen to the dormant state govts.