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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why is the current geological phase named after Indian state Meghalaya?


Thinker | Posted on

Meghalaya now has become an important world site and the inhabitants of the state are happy about their homeland getting a place in history and geology. The newest geological phase in which we are living since 4200 years have been recently christened as “Meghalyan Age” by International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).

The Chief Minister of Meghlaya Conrad Sangma who is currently in Delhi for the work of Meghlaya tourism states that Meghalaya feels proud and ecstatic. According to him, the research whose conclusion is this naming of phase, was possible because of the efficient preservation of the state’s caves.

The scientists named the age thus after they found a stalagmite from a cave in the Indian state of Meghalya. The stalagmite helped in finding the climactic changes that occurred 4200 years back, distinguishing the then climate from the earlier one. According to a report in Times of India, “The Meghalayan Age began with a mega global drought that devastated ancient agricultural civilisations from Egypt to China. It is part of a longer period known as the Helocene Epoch, which reflects everything that has happened over the past 11,700 years.”

According to the Meghalyan CM, facilities would be made to get Mawmluh cave (where the stalagmite was found) recognized as a world heritage site.
