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Brij Gupta

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Why is UP Government not taking care of Taj Mahal?


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The Yogi government came to power in the most populous state of India in 2017 end and ever since then, there have been numerous incidents of religious polarization. In recent times, the government has shown inaction in trying to restore India’s World Heritage Site, the Taj Mahal, which has also been a recurring entrant in the modern 7 wonders of the world.

Out of sheer apathy, as stated by the Supreme Court, the government has increased industrialization of the Taj Trapezium, an area of 10,000 + square kilometres around the wonder that had been banned from further industrialization by the apex court to control pollution which has been affecting the white marble mausoleum.

Many of the critics believe that the reason for this lethargy shown by the government and its organizations is because of the fact that the Taj is an Islamic monument that the Hindu-oriented BJP does not care about or want to restore.

In its latest hearing, the Supreme Court has stated that it has lost all hope from the government and asked the executive to either make efforts to restore the monument or demolish it completely. It also questioned the Agra commissioner as to why industries were being sanctioned in the Trapeze Zone when the court had already banned it.

While it is the passion of the judges that expressed itself in the ultimatum of the Supreme Court, the insensitivity of the BJP government is still appalling. In fact, it is not completely unjustified for fellow Taj lovers to be scared, since the party has already carried out one such demolition in 1992 which led to the birth of Ram Janambhoomi and the catastrophe of the Babri Masjid. What happens in this case only time will tell?



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Taj Mahal is a standout amongst the most questioned design ponders in India, with much discussion being hung on the landmark's supposed source as a Shiva sanctuary as far back as a book 'Taj Mahal: The True Story' by P N Oak raised this issue.

As per the advocates of this hypothesis, 'Tejomahalay', the Shiva Temple worked by Raja Jai Singh, is said to have remained at the correct spot where the Taj Mahal now stands, and the sanctuary's building was supposedly appropriated by Shah Jahan to cover his better half Mumtaz in the 'Sanctum Sanctorum' of the sanctuary, after Raja Jai Singh expelled the Shivalingam from the sanctuary and made another sanctuary somewhere else.

A to a great extent prohibited thought for history buffs and the travel industry alike, this hypothesis routinely springs up at different courts of the nation, with candidates requesting that the Archeological Survey of India and Central Government pronounce 'reality' about the Taj Mahal.