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Hitesh rathi

Blogger and Digital marketer | Posted on | Entertainment

why is youtuber merch so expensive?


Blogger | Posted on

Well, If you are owning any popular YouTube Channel, then surely you should have come across many people who approaches you to showcase or advertise their brand through your channel. If you have a good YouTube Channel, then you need not ear by using the advertising revenue. You can also earn by promoting some other brands in your channel. Normally people will tempt to buy from them if they are following your channel for a long time. And if you are a very popular personality, then you will also have more chances of getting more reach.


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The reason behind the fact that the YouTube merch are costly is that it gets promoted by the popular personality. Even if you would like to produce a T-Shirt having same kind of logo in it. You can just do it in a very cheap way by just buying a plain T-Shirt and sticking some logos in it. But when the same thing comes via a brand, the price goes skyrocket. Hence it’s always best to buy clothes like T-Shirts by yourself rather than buying from the Ads, as you can see the difference in price by huge margin. Also, if you are owning a YouTube Channel, then you can just use this for making this as an additional income. At the end of the day, it’s all about business.