Why people aren't as picky in love as they think - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Why people aren't as picky in love as they think


It’s a very tricky question and if you ask anyone, they will think twice about it. It is true that when we are asked about the qualities that should be in our life partner, we speak about several positive points like a life partner should be one with whom you can make long-term plans, with whom you feel comfortable and you feel attracted. When we are single and are asked about life partners, we become very picky and search for different qualities. But when we are actually involved in a serious relationship, we don’t think about those qualities and we just fall in love, and then, we become less selective and picky than we thought. It’s a psychological factor that has been observed in several real-life examples. It actually happens with us but the problem is we don’t give importance to those factors that were once the main priority that we wanted in our life partners.


Being picky is also not a bad thing as what matters in a relationship is the preferences of individuals otherwise, the relationship is not going to work out. Picky doesn’t mean you are very rude or selfish. It's ok to make your choice and give importance to your priorities. It’s a misconception that being picky means the person is selfish. While dating, you have to think long-term and it's good that you know what happiness means to you. People should be picky while choosing partners in this generation. But at the time of dating we just forget about those criteria and just love the company of each other.