Why Walmart Parking Lot Turns Shelter For California Wildfire Evacuees? - letsdiskuss
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writer in new York today | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why Walmart Parking Lot Turns Shelter For California Wildfire Evacuees?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

The answer is simple and obvious –to help the victims. The evacuees of Paradise in California who survives the deadly Inferno have now found the makeshift shelters in Walmart parking lots.


(Courtesy: The New York Times)

The Walmart parking lot is serving as a land for the tents in which many victims of California Wildfires are residing now, some hoping to return to their homes someday and some who are planning on starting a second life.

With the death toll increasing every day and several people still missing, these victims have nothing left to look forward to except for the ways to sustain themselves and overcome the tragedy. Many evacuees are waiting for their lives to get stable so that they can start living all over again. Some, however, have lost all the hopes and don’t know where to go from this point.


Amidst all this tragic confusion and chaos, Walmart parking lots are serving people so that they can sit back, think, and come to a conclusion. It’s not only the tents which Walmart parking lots are providing. The donation also includes food, face masks, and personal hygiene items.


Blogger | Posted on

Alright I have some ongoing, and not charming involvement in this one.

Toward the finish of August, I purchased a ***** and span trailer in Oklahoma City, which is barely 3 hours from home. The exchanges ran late into night and my significant other and I were both tired. We weren't up to a 3-hour trip in the night.

You may be imagining that this story is gone to us attempting to remain for the time being in a Wal-Mart parking garage.

Not a chance!