Why were Russians barred from flying their flag at the winter Olympics 2018? - letsdiskuss
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Marisol Corazon

Travelling Blogger | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why were Russians barred from flying their flag at the winter Olympics 2018?


@letsuser | Posted on

The International Olympic committee (OIC) had barred Russians from flying their flag at the winter Olympics in South Korea due to fresh doping violations. It had earlier decided to lift the suspension immediately but then decided against it due to two new doping violations that had been observed on an otherwise clean slate. Due to this, Russians had been competing as neutral athletes during the game, their Olympic status suspended. OIC decided this as a punishment for years of drug scandals involving allegations that Russia ran a systematic, state-backed drug-cheating program.

The IOC said two Russian doping violations during thePayeongchang Gameshad marred an otherwise clean report card for the delegation at the games and the Russians had been unable to wear national uniforms or have their anthem played at medal presentations at the games.
