Why YouTube-s biggest stars keep quitting? - letsdiskuss
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monika Sharma

Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment

Why YouTube-s biggest stars keep quitting?


students | Posted on

No, you ought not stop YouTube (ever), regardless of whether there are no perspectives (except if it directly affects your life).

You have to explain why you make YouTube recordings.

Did you make it since you imagined that getting sees was your definitive objective?

Or on the other hand was it for something progressively more profound and generous?

For whatever length of time that you did it with a drive or energy, your purpose behind opening a YouTube channel is defended.

Instead of relying upon 'sees', take a stab at understanding your User Selling Points (USP) and improve your recordings with thoughts that extraordinarily recognize you.

This will create a feeling of vanity (which is progressively significant) and the perspectives will stream in the end.

Never surrender.


Blogger | Posted on

There are many popular YouTubers are there and most recently some of them have announced that they are quitting the Vlog due to some reasons. Here let’s see some facts behind their decision. More recently, the most popular YouTuber PewDiePie has announced that he is going to quit publishing some videos on the YouTube in his channel, which is followed by the more popular raising YouTuber Casey Neistat has also announced that he is going to quit putting videos on his YouTube channel. The reasons are not so convincing as though we think.


Image Source - https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/youtube-logo.png?w=896

When asked about the reason behind this decision, PewDiePie has convinced us with saying that he is going to start practising kung fu and start riding the motor cycles instead of cracking some jokes in his YouTube Channel. Though some of them are quitting from YouTube, there are many people who are striving hard to become popular on YouTube and get more followers behind their name. As we think its not a simple task to get more subscribers to one particular channel. It requires lots of hardwork and planning to achieve it. Hence if you dare to do so, then you can!