Will Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Padman’ be successful? - letsdiskuss
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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | Entertainment

Will Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Padman’ be successful?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

You may have heard of Superman, Spider-man or Batman but ever heard of Padman?

Padman is a man who is on a mission to create a sanitary pad machine and to provide inexpensive sanitary pads to downtrodden women of rural India.

Akshay Kumar, starring Padman is successfully running in theaters now and beyond any doubt the film is doing what it was supposed to do. It is addressing the taboo topic of menstrual hygiene and there is no shame in using sanitary pads. Celebrities all over Bollywood are promoting this movie on their social media accounts and making it worth watching.

''R Balki's social drama makes for an important film that needs to be watched", says Times of India.

"Akshay crusades for a new cause", says Re-diff.

Even on IMDb the movie is getting good reviews and so far people have rated it 8.6 out of 10.

Flicks on a social message always make an impact in Indian cinema and we observed in the past they have done good business, too. India's unlikely hero Pad-man is also embarking on this and killing social stigma of not using pads and making good bucks.


Chartered Accountant | Posted on

No it will not because the Topic or theme is not interesting for men.