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Supreme court adjourned the hearing of Ram janma bhomi -Babri masjid land dispute case to January 2019. After the verdict only we can surely say whether Ram temple will be built or not. If the verdict is in favour of Ram Temple the construction may begin before the 2019 elections. On the other hand if the verdict is against Ram Temple then there will be chaos again in the country. And that will help the BJP again to come into power in the name of Ram Temple.
But according to some people, BJP and Congress or even any other secular party is not interested in solving the Ram janma bhoomi- Babri Masjid issue. Solved topics never bring votes to the party. Ram Janm Bhoomi may bring votes to BJP if the construction started before 2019 elections. But if it is unsolved even the promise to build will also bring votes.
Everyone knows that Babri Masjid can be shifted to any nearby site because no rituals are taking place in the masjid and Ram Temple can be built in the disputed site. But no one wants to solve the problem. We can have amicable solution to this prolonged dispute if our netas are interested.
Whether we build Ram Temple or not we should build our nation as secular as ever. Enough blood were shed in this issue. Let us hope that this Ram Janma Bhoomi- Babri Masjid problem will be solved in a peaceful manner.
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