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Komal Verma

Media specialist | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Will India ever be safe for women?


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on


That is a rather difficult question to answer. You see, no country can ever be ideal to the maximum. But there are certain factors, that when we as a country overcome/achieve, India will be much safer for women to move about freely without any fright. A good society dwells on mutual respect between the different sexes. It is crucial for men to respect women and vice versa. And this has to instilled in children who will eventually be the youth of the country. Mothers need to teach their sons to respect women rather than viewing them as objects that they can acquire. And on the other hand, daughters need to be taught to not be docile and

stand up for themselves. Another important factor that can contribute to this is education.

The penal code also needs to be updated. So many sexual offenders walk free on the streets which should not be the case. Stricter punishments would instill a sense of fear among the public and would likely help reduce the rate of crimes against women in the country. On a similar note, faster judicial proceedings can also have a positive impact in the sense that, cases would not

pend over many years and the guilty would be behind bars quicker. Lastly, we need to learn to be empathetic towards the victims who have suffered rather than blaming and associating them with a taboo subject. These things are not impossible to achieve but may take time and maybe somewhere down the future, we will eventually be a safe haven for our daughters and sisters.


Blogger | Posted on

It depends what is the meaning of wellbeing here. Is just the situation where a young lady strolling out and about is being gotten and assaulted is named as security then presumably ladies in India are as sheltered the same number of different nations in the world*

* Conditions apply

- Women in India for the most part don't leave house after dark(major rate)

- They are normally went with their moms, siblings or fathers

- General feeling of apparel is very non-provocative(compared to numerous spots in west)

- Lot of ladies despite everything don't work outside

- It is a social untouchable to discuss misuse, so I am certain a considerable lot of the cases do go unreported.

So with this particular meaning of security and every one of these conditions applied, ladies are protected in India. Can we genuinely be happy with this and take an indication of help. Would that give you fortitude to go out around evening time 10 pm with pants/shirt outfit stroll to the vehicle left minimal away from the scene? I want to securely expect the appropriate response is no!

We have to make a domain where young men are instructed to regard the other sex, they ought to be terrified of the result of doing anything against a young lady's desire. This is a mentality change and should be instilled by the moms and fathers of the beta!

Growing up I don't recollect on a normal there was even a solitary day where I didn't confront a messy look(what is he doing to me inside his head), undermining motions, fruitless endeavor to genuinely rub himself or now and then even effective endeavors. Furthermore, before to expect I am not an exceptionally quite looking lady or used to dress in anything provocative or lived in a famous neighborhood. I can simply envision how it would be the place any of these variables where not for the young lady!