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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Will Internet of Things (IoT) Ever Come in Mainstream in India?


Entrepreneur | Posted on



Did you know every night, 20 crore Indians go to sleep hungry because they don’t have food to eat?


The point is, that in a country where millions of people die every year due to poverty and hunger, even thinking about IoT in the mainstream is blatantly brutal. Instead of focusing on making homes cutting-edge, governments and organizations must work to feed the poor and build them homes in the first place.


But anyway… coming to your exact question….


Internet of Things won’t be in the mainstream in India for the next 10 to 15 years. Admittedly, the government has taken the initiative of 100 smart cities. And it is expected that we’re going to see evident results from 2022 onwards. But, call me a skeptic, it is highly unlikely. It would take anywhere around 10 years till we see the idea of smart city coming into shape in a couple of places.

Unless we see more smart cities and a fast transition of rural population into urban, IoT will have only a handful of fans, which are high-net-worth individuals.


So yeah, in short, we have a very long way to go.



IoT can truly become a mainstream phenomenon in India because the advancement of technology can lead businesses across sectors, from manufacturing and agriculture to healthcare, to fully make use of IoT solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. With growing internet connectivity and digital infrastructure, IoT is likely to go mainstream automatically.



| Posted on

In 2 years IOT will become the most promising platform in India. All the companies will personilized their product and startups using IOT platform , so yes IOT will be the most mainstream in India.