World’s Most Dangerous 5 Computer Virus ? - letsdiskuss
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Yogender Chauhan

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World’s Most Dangerous 5 Computer Virus ?


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Several notorious computer viruses have extorted annihilation on systems worldwide. Five of the most dangerous include:

1. ILOVEYOU( 2000):

Originating in the Philippines, this contagion spread through dispatch attachments, causing wide damage by overwriting lines. It affected millions of computers and incurred substantial fiscal losses.

2. Mydoom( 2004):

One of the swift-spreading worms, Mydoom propagated through dispatch and train-participating networks. It initiated denial-of-service attacks and is considered one of the most destructive malware in history.

3. Code Red( 2001):

Exploiting vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Information Services( IIS), Code Red fleetly spread across the internet. It defaced websites and launched distributed denial-of-service ( DDoS) attacks.

4. Conficker( 2008):

Able to fleetly spread through networks, Conficker infected millions of computers. It had sophisticated elusion ways, making it challenging to describe and exclude.

5. WannaCry( 2017):

Exploiting a Windows vulnerability, WannaCry translated lines and demanded rescue payments in Bitcoin. It targeted computers encyclopedically, affecting critical structures like healthcare and transportation.

These contagions not only caused wide dislocation but also underlined the significance of cybersecurity measures and prompt software updates to cover against evolving pitfalls in the digital geography.


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