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Would you like to upgrade your console?


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I think it can be done like this: the early adopters can pay a fee to Sony or Microsoft and have them upgrade the hardware (either $100 or $200 depending on the upgrade involved). The late adopters will have to pay a bit extra for the new version of the console, but at a discount. They can pay either $50 or $80 more on the new hardware. I think this is the only way it can be done. For those who don't want to pay for the upgrade will still run the game smoothly, just not at the resolution or frame rate that the new hardware supports.


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Would you be able to update a PS4's equipment, its HD as well as its fans or even the GPU? No, and that contradicts the general purpose of comfort gaming. The greatest quality of comfort gaming is that everybody has essentially a similar equipment. ... Perhaps increment goal or framerate on a PS4 Pro, yet very little else.