Can Diabetics Eat Rice? - letsdiskuss
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Can Diabetics Eat Rice?


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Bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes are all sources of carbohydrates. The American Diabetes Association suggest a target of about 45-60 grams of carbohydrate per meal. Eating fiber helps to minimize spikes in blood sugar and it is recommended that people with diabetes eat between 20-35 grams of fiber per day.


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Rice is not entirely prohibited for diabetics. If taken with care, rice is not that disadvantageous or harmful for people suffering from diabetes. All diabetics need to stay away from is sweet, not rice.

Choose the right type of rice
There are a lot of varieties and types of rice available in market these days and some of them are beneficial for health. For example, you can include Brown Rice, Unbroken Basmati Rice or Wild Rice in your diet. Brown rice is tasty as well as healthy. It has the adequate amount of fibres, which regulates your sugar level. It is recommended for diabetics to consume brown rice instead of white rice.
Revise your way of cooking rice
Those who are suffering from diabetes but can’t resist themselves from eating rice, are recommended to change the way of their cooking rice. In early times, people used to cook rice in open utensils of either steel or earth. Those were the days when diseases like diabetes were not even known to many. It was with the introduction of new ways of cooking with pressure cookers that these diseases started taking their toll on people. So cooking rice in open utensils instead of pressure cookies can be considered if diabetics want to consume rice.
Balanced Diet
Taken in balance with other essential nutritious food items, rice won’t do any harm to the diabetics. Take the curry, dal, or vegetable more than the amount of rice if you are having it with rice.


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Rice is a high glycemic index food but it can be included in a diet that improves overall carbohydrate and insulin metabolism in individuals with diabetes.

Rice Facts

Red Rice is better than brown rice as the former has more antioxidants, more fiber and lesser glycemic index.

Brown rice has more fiber and takes longer to digest so is a better choice than white rice.

Basmati rice is a better choice than Jasmine rice or broken small grain rice as it comparatively has better glycemic index.

While eating white rice always have same amount of salad with it to increase fiber intake.

Rinsing and throwing away of the water does not reduce the starch content of rice. You are actually throwing away all the healthy water soluble vitamins and minerals down the drain.


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Diabetics can have white rice, as long as the following criteria are taken care of:

1. White rice is consumed in moderation. Ideally not more than one cup preferably for lunch. They should try avoiding white rice for dinner because physical activity levels are quite low at night.

2. The concerned person should ideally exercise for 30-45 minutes daily.

3. The person's blood sugar levels are not excessively high.

What one needs to understand is that white rice is generally suggested to be avoided because it causes a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. What is ideally suggested is slow releasing carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats. These won't spike the blood sugar levels suddenly and hence is considered to be safer for a diabetic. However, with moderate consumption and a regular active lifestyle, a diabetic can accommodate white rice in his/her diet.