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Rakesh Singh

Delhi Press | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Can Pakistan wage a nuclear war against India?


student | Posted on

It is maybe the main nation on the planet which can manage the cost of a war by any means. A war with India will be simply one more war for them. The others being:

War on the alleged Bad Taliban (Haqqani is great, TTP is awful, Kashmiri Militants are great, Tajik are terrible)

War on the Urban goons in Karachi (MQM and Altaf Hussein)

War of every single other state against the province of Pakistani Punjab

War on the account of Pakistan and The Pakistani character (Nazaria-e-Pakistan - Since after the execution of the Two Nation Theory, there stayed more muslims in India, Bangladesh turned into a progressively effective economy, and Pakistan is still to see whether Mohammed Ali Jinnah was a Shia or a Sunni)

War about authenticity of the present government and Panama Leaks - (Think of a Canadian Cleric and a previous Test Captain of the national cricket group)

War around obligation adjusting (last I checked, nobody was found on the forefront for this one.)

Why can’t India and Pakistan be friends?


Student | Posted on

Indeed, obviously. Among every one of the nations Pakistan is the most fight prepared state. All as the year progressed, they are battling fights persistently with Taliban in the Western and India in their Eastern wildernesses individually. Their economy is subject to these on-going wars, as US accounts and backings their Sojourn to keep the Taliban in control and check and so does China as a result of their endeavors to pull India down through different methods.

There is a confusion in India that Pakistan is battling and an enduring country, the truth is a long way from that. I don't realize what number of individuals saw an UN sorted out study which said Pakistan is a lot higher on the bliss record contrasted with India.