Does India have the best food in the world and why? - letsdiskuss
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Chef at Hotel Radisson | Posted on | Food-Cooking

Does India have the best food in the world and why?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Food is like a religion. It is their own choice. Everyone has their taste buds and they like whatever they are eating from childhood most. Particularly in India ‘Maa ki haath ka khana’ is considered as the best. But revolution is there in the food industry also. Otherwise, we will be eating only raw vegetables and fruits now.

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Every country has its own food and specialities. It is an injustice to call one is best and others are not good. But on if you talk about the nutritional value and healthy food some Indian food is on top of the list. Like idly, Pongal, sambar from Tamil Nadu, Khichdi, Dhal from North India are very rich in nutrition. These foods are not at all fatty, and idly kichadi are wholesome food. These foods contain carbohydrates, proteins, fibre, and vitamins.

But worldwide Chinese and Italian foods are famous. Most countries in the world are serving these foods. On the other hand, international citizens are developing taste for Indian food also. Branches of Indian restaurants are now opening in remote African countries and European countries also.

Finally, Indian food is very hot, cooked with more masala and oily compared to other cuisines. So if we want our food to be famous all over the world and liked by all, the Indian restaurants in other countries should make it according to people’s tastes.