One motive of every mom is to make the tiffin of her children healthy, nutritious, tasty, as well as interesting. Only then, can they ensure that their children don’t miss the essential meals when they are away from them. You can ensure this by employing a little bit of creativity while preparing your kid’s tiffin.
Ask your child about his preferences. Try to know if he likes his friend’s tiffin more than his own. If he has problems with cold meal, get him a thermal tiffin box.
If it takes time to prepare something innovative early in the morning, you can do it the previous night as well. For example, sandwich and roll fillings, and salad can be prepared at night and stored in refrigerator, without compromising with the freshness of the meal.
If you are keeping vegetables in tiffin, make sure to wrap them in kitchen paper so that they don’t lose their moisture. If you plan on giving juice or curd, freeze them in the night.
Cut fruits in fun and interesting shapes. Make sure you take out the kernels from the fruits. After cutting them, keep the fruits in a plastic bag. Do the same with sandwiches.
Keep the stuff for garnishing separately so that your child can decorate his meal himself according to his will.
Avoid giving processed food as its nutritional value is not much. If your child insists, you can give it once in a while.
Keep a funny note in your child’s tiffin box. You can draw interesting sketches on the napkin, or on the banana peel.