How can we reduce the cramps and pains during periods - letsdiskuss
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Neha Bhasin

Dietitian | Posted on | Health-beauty

How can we reduce the cramps and pains during periods


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Menstrual cramps are a monthly phenomena and every female have discomfort of some kind when it comes to menstruation. There are few ways to reduce the pain and disomfort in the body which can be tried in general. Heat helps the muscles relax and so keeping a hot water bag or heat water wrap around the abdomen can have a soothing effect. Foods rich in iron can be consumed as it is lost during menstruation Chicken, fish, and leafy green vegetables contain iron and this can be helpful to increase the body strength.



translator | Posted on

Menstrual cramps can cause pain in your stomach, lower back, groin or upper thighs.The use of heat therapy at home during these time can be very helpful .Some nuts like Walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seedsare rich in manganese,these helps in reducing the pain.Having hot water baths can also help change the mood and reduce menstrual pains. Oranges are high in vitamin C and calcium and can be helpful in fighting menstrual symptoms like cramps, aches, and pains. So a glass offresh orange juice can rerfresh your body.Reducing sugar and coffee can be helpful as these foods can bloat the stomach. Drinking herbal teas which are caffeine free can be very helpful during these times.




Painful periods may cause cramps, mood swings, lack of concentration, and even backaches. But it doesn't have to be this way. Let's discuss how you can tackle the hardest part of your month and make your period a pleasant one.

There are lots of steps that you can take to reduce the pain of your period from having too much iron in their diet, exercise regularly and avoid heavy lifting, take Ibuprofen or Tylenol during menstruation as well as moderate coffee consumption over extended periods of time.



student | Posted on

Menstruation is the most important period of a women's life. It is most serious period too. In this period, women have to suffer from unwanted and unconditional pain, cramps, mood swings, etc. For having a relief from these, we should do following things- Use a heating pad or hot water bottle over abdomen, Use water bag too, do some exercise for reducing the pain, Massage can makes you relax, Eat medicines, Drink hot milk and hot drinks, etc.
