How does global warming affect our lifestyle? - letsdiskuss
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Viku Singh

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How does global warming affect our lifestyle?


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Here are some simple explanations of how global warming is changing our lives:

1. Getting Hotter: Global warming makes the Earth's average temperature go up. This means more really hot days that can be bad for our health, especially for older people and those who are already sick. It also makes it harder to keep our homes cool, which can cost us more energy.

2. Crazy Weather: Global warming makes our weather more extreme. We get more floods, droughts, and big fires. These can damage our things, mess up our roads, and make people leave their homes.

3. Rising Oceans: As the ice on Earth melts, the water in the oceans goes up. This is not good for places near the sea. It can make people move away from their homes.

4. Farming Troubles: Global warming makes it harder to grow some of our food. Some plants don't like the heat, and bugs and sicknesses bother them more. This can mean less food and higher prices.

5. Spreading Sickness: Warmer weather lets bugs like mosquitoes and ticks live in new places. They carry diseases that can make us sick, like malaria and Lyme disease. More bugs mean more sickness.

6. Feeling Sad: Dealing with all these problems can make people very sad and worried. Some people even get sick in their minds because of it.

These are just some of the ways global warming is changing our lives. If we don't do something about it, things will only get worse.


Also Read- Is global warming an issue?