Is global warming an issue? - letsdiskuss
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Sahil Raghavan

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Is global warming an issue?


student | Posted on

Global warming refers to the phenomenon in which average temperature of our Earth increases. It occurs due to several climatic factors. It is one of the global issue. It is mainly caused by the release of greenhouse effect into atmosphere by transportation, burning and release by industries. These gases increases the overall temperature of Earth. These gases includes carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide,etc. Along with increases temperature, it also affect the winds, ocean currents, and other climatic conditions.


Also Read- How does global warming affect our lifestyle?


translator | Posted on

Global warming is the heating of earth’s surface, oceans and atmosphere gradually over the years because of the human activity of burning fossil fuels. For understanding global warming we should understand the two terms fossil fuels which are being burnt by the humans and increasing of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are different fossil fuels .They were formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived years ago and not completely decomposed. These fossils have high carbon content and burning these fuels causes air pollution and greenhouse gases.
The major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone.When the Sun's rays reaches the atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-emitted by the greenhouse gases.The absorbed sunlight warms the atmosphere.This is the greenhouse effect.Global warming is caused by this greenhouse effect.Global warming is resulting in the increase in the temperature and climatic changes.



Self Employed | Posted on

Yes, global warming is a great issue. It has become a challenge to the world. How fast the temperature of the earth is increasing. If the temperature continues to increase this way, it will be difficult for humans to survive in the upcoming days. Rise in the sea level will occur due to global warming. Whole ice of the polar areas will melt which will cause a rise in sea level.

If the rise in the sea level occurred, the whole coastal areas will be underwater. Global warming also causes drought. Environmental scientists all over the world are greatly thinking about the global warming problem, and are trying to find out the solution to this terrible problem.
