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Pavitra Kumar

Sr. SEO Specialist | Posted on | Science-Technology

How does one start affiliate marketing in India?


SEO Analyst | Posted on


As we know that Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing in which you refer other person to any specific online product and when that person buys the same product by your recommendation, you receive a commission on that product.

Choose your niche:
Before you get into affiliate marketing, you need to choose a niche that you are easily comfortable with.
Easy to start:
The investment required to get into affiliate marketing is not huge as it only involve the costs associated with buying a domain and hosting it, there is no other extra cost.
Find affiliates to work with
The best way to engage and tie-up with the affiliates is to build up a good reputation by providing great content. You have to connect with other bloggers in the same niche as yours, cross-promote your products, and build a good relationship with them.
Bring visitors to your site
As we know there is no use of having the best content on any website if users don’t visit your affiliate website. You need to drive a good traffic to your affiliate website if you need to earn commissions by recommending several products. You need to provide free content on your website, offer a free consultation and produce such videos that encourage visitors to visit your website.
Build relationships with affiliates
One of the most important things about affiliate marketing or doing any other online business is to have patience, that’s why you need to be connected with other affiliate marketers on a personal basis and spend some time with them.
Write a PPC ad
PPC or pay-per-click ads are an important tool for an affiliate marketer as you must have enough knowledge to create a good ad so that it will generate sales and increase your overall revenue.