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Pavitra Kumar

Sr. SEO Specialist | Posted on | Science-Technology

Should I do an MBA or a course in digital marketing?


blogger | Posted on

I think a digital marketing course is the best option rather than pursuing an MBA. Because you will learn more Practical things in the digital marketing field rather than pursuing an MBA.

Also read this:- How does one start affiliate marketing in India?


| Posted on

It depends on your interest totally. I suggest if you are looking up for any business in your future, you must learn about Digital marketing and do a job in the same field but if you are looking for masters and want to learn numerous domains and want to have a pretty good package you can opt for MBA.


Digital marketing traniee | Posted on


According to my view if you have experienced in the feild of digital marketing then ,you must go for exceutive MBA that will definetly boost your carrer. You can also choose distance learning program along with your job. Learning or getting degree will enhance your skills led to boost you in particular feild, so, always try to enhance your skills for upstairing new opportunities.


@blogger | Posted on

I think if you are looking for a good job then you should go with an MBA and if you have some plan for Business then you can do with Digital MArketing.


Blogger | Posted on

MBA degree is an or more point in your vocation, yet it's an absolute waste in the event that you are a specialist advanced advertising proficient or need to be a specialist in the computerized showcasing field. So regardless of whether you are seeking after MBA degree, at that point you ought to learn advanced showcasing aptitudes to quicken your vocation development.


| Posted on

Hey, I would suggest you to do so as, "MBA and Digital Marketing is the best mix to begin a profession OR Business" According to me, increase digital marketing abilities first and begin working, at that point do low maintenance MBA OR Regular MBA. MBA: Help in Marketing, organization, and HR the executives...


Manager | Posted on

If your are more into IT field then opting Digital Marketing is the best opting other wise MBA.


@letsuser | Posted on

Letsdiskuss MBA is one of the highly skilled degrees which can convert your raw potentials into great opportunities. This course is perfect to succeed in business and management. It gives you several training to become a leader, manage and organize things properly in various business environments. An MBA still counts in the elite section of society who has the potential to change theory into practical by their infinite skills taught during their course.

On the other hand, digital marketing is a course which helps you to promote your business digitally at various platforms. In the world of internet and social media, it is a good course to opt for. It is a professional course which is beneficial for marketing, media, PR and communication persons.

Both the courses are best at their places. The only thing you have to choose is your interest and willingness towards your career. MBA of course, is one of the best courses which helps you to explore and expand in the business aura and makes you ready with the quality skills, whereas digital marketing is as essential as anything in the era of internet as it provides a global platform to any business and allows to nurture and spread their business across the world.


Digital Marketing Manager | Posted on

This completely depends on your choice, if you like to learn and explore the field of Marketing then Digital Marketing is the platform for you, on the other hand, if you want to pursue your career in an executive role then MBA is the platform. More or less the combination of both can be very helpful as a growing career prospect.

  1. Digital Marketing consists of SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, Pay Per Click, Affiliate Marketing, Marketing Automation, and many more. If you are looking for some serious skills above the platform or in combination, enrolling for Digital Marketing could be a part of your journey.
  2. MBA(Master of Business Administration) this program covers various areas of business administration such as accounting, applied statistics, human resources, business communication, business ethics, business law, business strategy, finance, managerial economics, management, entrepreneurship, marketing, supply-chain management, and so on.

The choice is all yours, Whether you want to be a Digital Marketer and rule over the market or Business Administrative to control overall strategy.

Thank You!!


blogger | Posted on

I suggest you go to the Digital Marketing courses and also complete your MBA by distance education.