How many slices does Pizza Hut offer in its medium size pizza? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How many slices does Pizza Hut offer in its medium size pizza?


Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on

The medium size pizza in Pizza Hut has a total of 6 slices. And if I am not wrong, the majority of fast food brands have the same number of slices in their medium size pizzas.
The small one has 4 slices and the large one has 8 slices.
That being said, you can ask the pizzeria to cut as many slices in your ordered pizza as you want. So you can
have even 12 slices in your medium-size Pizza Hut pizza.


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Invented in Italy, Pizza is a mouth watering fast food that must not be missed at any cost. It comes in many sizes, for instance, small, medium, large, etc. However, the number might differ, in medium-sized pizza comes generally six-to-eight slices. Regular hand tossed, regular pan and regular cheese burst have four slices.

Breaking at further level, we will come across several conditions that affects the number of slices in pizza that includes:

If you order a medium pizza with hand-tossed crust, you’ll have 8 slices without customization.

This is referred to as “pie-cut”

If you order a medium pizza with thin crust, you’ll receive a square-cut, totalling to 16 pieces.

Pizza restaurants also offer a 10-slice cutting option.

For youf better understanding, I am giving you a deep insight below:

Small Pizza: 8-10 inches with 6 slices. Medium Pizza: 12 inches with 8 slices. Large Pizza: 14 inches with 10 slices. Extra-large Pizza: 16-18 inch with 12 slices.

